Fast Track to 1 Million

Only Way Left For Little Guy To Make Serious Money Online

*Just because I've made millions of dollars online and helped other people make lots of money online too, doesn't mean you will get the same results. Results vary, you are responsible for your own results, your work ethic, the effort you put in, and your own success.

21 People Paid $4000 Each For This 7-Figure Per Year System (You Get It For Just $9.95!) And Here's What They Learned...

How I Made $5 Million Online In Just One Of My Accounts

How I Made $5 Million Online In Just One Of My Accounts


How I Made $618,310.15 In Commissions Promoting One Single Offer

How I Made $618,310.15 In Commissions Promoting One Single Offer


How I Consistently Make Huge Commissions Every Single Day

How I Consistently Make Huge Commissions Every Single Day


How I've Built A System Which Puts 6-Figure Sums Into My PayPal Account Every Single Month

How I've Built A System Which Puts 6-Figure Sums Into My PayPal Account Every Single Month


How I Activate 5-Figure Pay Days Like Clockwork

How I Activate 5-Figure Pay Days Like Clockwork


How I Am Able To Make 7 Figures A Year While Still Having Lots Of Free Time To Go On Vacations, Appear On TV, And Give Keynote Speeches The World Over

How I Am Able To Make 7 Figures A Year While Still Having Lots Of Free Time To Go On Vacations, Appear On TV, And Give Keynote Speeches The World Over

 These Guys Paid $4000 Each For This (You Get It For $9.95!) And Just Look What THEY Said...

"Received so much Value--- Cha Ching!"


"You will learn things you didn't know were possible..."


"Step by Step Actionable"


"There've been some Golden Nuggets shared in that room..."


"Worth Every Penny"

"Any of the many gold nuggets were worth the price..."


"Eye opening, Inspiring and I am so grateful"


"So Excited to DO this..."


"Go with a PROVEN model"


"Michael Cheney helps Everyone at EVERY level"


"Traffic covered from A-Z - Boom!"


"I loved getting access to all Michael Cheney's Knowledge"


"Beginner to Advanced: Everybody got covered!"


"Michael Cheney is a Genius!"

From the Desk of Michael Cheney
22nd October 2024

Dear Friend,

Michael Cheney, Internet Marketer since the year 2000

Michael Cheney
Michael Cheney is a multi-millionaire internet marketer, who has been helping entrepreneurs achieve success online since the year 2000

All you have left is a hard-drive of broken dreams, an angry partner, and a bank account that's running out of black.

Sound familiar?

You might think I've been spying on you or watching you through your webcam, but no...

I've just been doing internet marketing since the year 2000.

I feel your pain.

What you're about to read will be uncomfortable.

If you can't stomach some hard-hitting, home truths, then you should look away now...

Do You Feel Like You're Stuck In an Endless Internet Marketing Loop Going Down One Rabbit Hole After Another?

It just seems to be one thing after another.

You started out with so much excitement didn't you?

So much hope, so many dreams.

You quickly realize that it's not as easy as THEY say it is.

Frankly, it's a clusterfck....

At First, You Try To Piece Together The Puzzle On Your Own
Without Spending Anything

"How hard can this be?", you ask yourself...

You're above average intelligence, you're a hard-worker, and you can get stuff.

Surely this is just a matter of putting everything together, and getting results at the end of it.

But you soon realize there are more moving parts than you ever thought...

You Waste Weeks Of Your Life Trying to Find Answers
On Google And YouTube

One thing leads to another and before you know it hours, days, then weeks whizz by as you try to "crack the code".

The flickering light of yet another video, casts your silhouette on the wall, as your partner and family peer in to see where you've disappeared to.

The secret must be out there. The key. The answer.

You regularly creep of to "the office" to do more research.

Your family is seeing less and less of you - you're doing this for them.

But at the moment it feels like all pain, and no gain.

Just when you think you're getting somewhere, a technique changes, or you find THEY start telling you it no longer works.

Or something new comes out which makes what you already learned, totally useless.

At this point, you start wondering if you're cut out for this at all.

Your bloodshot eyes, pounding head, and cluttered hard drive tell their own story.

You're just collecting a bunch of stuff, but none of it is making you any money.

Eventually, you decide you cannot do this without help.

You crack open your wallet and decide to learn from THEM...

You Get Excited When You Buy Your First Training Product, Only To Be Presented With 1001 Steps On The Download Page!


THEY made it sound so easy.

But now you're on the inside you see it's not easy at all.

The "simple steps" look like the NASA Control Room - how on earth are you supposed to do all this?

You get stuck at the first hurdle and reach out for support.

They don't answer for days.

They finally get back to you and blame you, for being stupid.

You dust yourself off and turn to Google again for answers.

You're not sure how much more of this you can take...

You Don't Think You're Cut Out For This - You're Not Like THEM

You're just a normal person who wants to make some passive income without busting their ass.

You don't want to be in front of camera.

You don't want to be a "guru".

You just want to get an internet business going that is hands-free.

Isn't that what they said was possible, after all?

But, at every turn, all you hear is more steps, more work, and more complex tasks you need to do...

They Said It Would Be Easy, But You're Not Technical

Not TechnicalYou have nightmares about domain names, "DNS" (whatever the heck that is!), WordPress and Themes...

You wake up in a cold sweat.


Is this really worth it?

This isn't what you signed up for. You were sold on the dream of "push button income", but now THEY have you slaving away like an unpaid chimpanzee.

It's okay for THEM...

They are experts, they have all the technical knowledge, and they like being in front of camera and being outgoing...

You're Not An Expert And You Don't Want To Create Content

If you are like me, you are possibly a bit shy.

And you don't want to start prancing around on camera, trying to make viral videos, or become the next YouTube star.

It's just not you.

You don't have a degree in performing in front of camera or creating content.

You Just Want A Simple Process, Which Actually Works, And Doesn't Require A Degree In Rocket Science


You can work hard, but this is just not the type of work you can do.

Just when you're about to walk away, you see something exciting in your inbox...

A new shiny object.

A piece of software that "does it all for you".

This could be the answer you've been looking for.

It has to be easier than trying to do all this hard work, surely?

You Toss Away Tons More Hard-Earned Cash On "Push Button" Software That Doesn't Work


The nightmare continues...

The software sounds great, but you start trying to use it and it's full of glitches and errors.

You try to contact support but they just palm you off with excuses.

Yet another broken dream shatters into a thousand pieces.

You roll your eyes and take a deep breath.

You barely have the energy left to even get mad about all this any more.

You're just resigned to failing - you've gotten used to it.

It's been months now.

Months of trying, learning, working, spending, trying, struggling, and failing.

Lots and lots of failing.

And you still haven't made a single cent online.

Your partner is getting nervous.

There MUST be a way you can get this all to work...

THEY Tell You 'The Money's In The List', But You're Not An Expert, So You Can't Build One

It seems logical:

Build a mailing list of prospects and make money by sending them the stuff.

The problem is - how the hell are you supposed to get people to join your list?

You're not a guru.

You're not an expert.

You don't even know what to say, or why someone would listen to you in the first place?

Not to mention all the technical bullcrap that comes with trying to set all this up.

A domain, nameservers, hosting, landing pages, optins, download pages, PDFs, writing the content, autoresponders, spam compliance, link builders...

The list goes on and on...

Just then, as you're trying to think of a way out of this mess, your partner shouts through from the kitchen:

Your Partner Thinks You Are Wasting Your Time And Money

Oh crap.

"What the hell is this?"

Your partner points to an expensive transaction from last month.

"An essential business expenditure", you say.

(Knowing full-well, it's yet another program where you fell off the wagon because of overwhelm, confusion and inability to work 48 hours a day)

"An essential business expenditure? Business? What business!?

You don't have a business.

You can't even call it a hobby - because at least a hobby is fun!

What you have is a JOB where you have to turn up in the office and then do all the work.

You're working harder than a job and you're paying to do it.

I don't see you any more, and you're spending our retirement fund.

How long are you going to keep chasing this stupid dream?

You need to wise up and stop wasting all our time and money.

It's time you grew up."


Things have to turn around eventually, don't they?

Everything can't keep going against you forever, can it?

You Buy The Latest Shiny Object But Get Stuck In Upsell Hell

You dig out a link from your 'This Is Important Stuff, Version 7' folder and start scrolling through the list of all the shiny objects available.

It all requires you to spend money, of course.

You pull the trigger on yet another purchase.

You're instantly presented with a one time offer for some software which creates you endless content on "any topic and any niche and churns out money from your printer while you sleep".

You haven't quite kicked that Shiny Object habit yet, and this new software thing would pay for itself, surely, so you add it to your cart and move on...

You get instant buyer's remorse so decide to pass on one time offers 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8.

By the time you get to the last one time offer (there were 101) your mousefinger is red-raw from clicking "no thanks".

You dive into the members and, pick your way through all the pop-ups, special offers, limited time deals and upgrades to find what you paid for.

It would be easier to find the G spot of a flea.

Eventually you find what you paid for.

It's utter garbage.

"Oh for f***'s sake!".

What next, you wonder...

In A Final Attempt To Succeed, You Throw Yet More Money At
Solo Ads - But You Lose It All (Again)

You do a full week's research on the best solo ads sellers, who gets the best clicks and sales, and what they charge.

You join solo ads facebook groups.

You watch solo ads training on youTube.

You even shell out on another paid training program (the best ever, apparently) for $497, to learn how it all works.

The next week you are ready to pull the trigger.

You hand over your $250 to the solo ads seller, give them your affiliate link and get ready for the riches to rain from the sky.

You check your Google Analytics live stats and, amazingly, see people starting to visit your website in droves!


Wait one freakin' second...

From all over the world.

You're getting clicks from countries you didn't even know existed.

And nobody is buying.

You just spent $250 for junk traffic from Timbuktu and you didn't make a single sale.

You've been robbed. Again.

You are DONE.

Your Internet Marketing Dreams Are In Tatters, But You Still Want To Believe

They still burn brightly inside you.

Despite all the failure.

Despite all the losses.

Despite the late nights, sacrifices, and arguments with your partner.

You still want to believe.

That's what you're here.

You know there is a TRUTH out there - there is a LIGHT which can truly show you the way.

Before we come onto that, let me ask you a question...

Who Else Is Willing To Invest A Little Time, To Finally Get The Life-Long BREAKTHROUGH They've Been Waiting For?

Michael Cheney

Michael Cheney delivering a keynote speech at a sold out event in Daytona Beach

This sounds like BS.

It's not.

You see - I've made millions upon millions of dollars (personally banked) doing internet marketing.

And recently I shared how I made $1 Million in 12 months.

It was a paid event.

People paid $4000 to be at this closed-doors event.

We had two camera crews recording everything I said, every step and every secret.

To learn the entire process (copyable) takes 8 hours.

After these 8 breakthrough hours you will know what I know about internet marketing.


Did you know? There are...

5 Newbie Problems - Which Do You Want To Solve Today?

Michael Cheney has spoken in front of thousands of people the world over, being interviewed on NBC television and even featured in Reader's Digest magazine!

#1. No results

#2. No time

#3. No expertise

#4. No tech skills

#5. No website


What you're about to get your hands on solves ALL these hurdles.

I walk you through this - step by step.

And you are getting LIFETIME SUPPORT because I want you to succeed.

My motto is simple;




The Fast Track to 1 Million


People Paid $4000 (Yes, Really) To Get Their Hands On These Success Secrets, Now You Can Grab Them All For Just $9.95!

Look What Attendees Said About This Breakthrough Event...

"Step by Step Actionable"


"Eye opening, Inspiring and I am so grateful"


"So Excited to DO this..."


"Received so much Value--- Cha Ching!"


"Go with a PROVEN model"


"Michael Cheney helps Everyone at EVERY level"


"Michael Cheney is a Genius"

"Traffic covered from A-Z; Boom"


"There've been some Golden Nuggets shared in that room..."


"Newbie loves access to Michael Cheney's Knowledge"


"You will learn things you didn't know were possible..."


"Any of the many gold nuggets were worth the price..."


"Worth Every Penny"


"Beginner to Advanced: Everybody got covered!"


"Complete Roadmap, exactly What to do"


Fast Track to 1 Million is the never-before-sold recordings of a breakthrough LIVE event I held in the REAL WORLD (pre-Rona).

People paid $4000 to attend this live event, and flew in from all corners of the globe.

I shared every step I took to make $1 Million in a single year.

The recordings were taken with TWO cameramen and also include recording of the slides, as well as my keynotes from the stage.

Imagine The Look On Their Faces When They See Your Success...

 It will be priceless.

All the naysayers - crushed.

All the doubters - destroyed.

All the negative nellies - nuked.

You did it.

You finally made it...

Your Friends and Family Will Finally Give You A Pat On Your Back (Rather Than Talking About You, Behind It)

This is no less than you deserve, either.

You've been working at this long enough - you deserve all this success.

You deserve all the success, all the praise, and all the admiration.

Now you can finally claim it...


7 Ways To Finally Succeed Online,
Even If You're A Time-Crunched Newbie Who Hates Work

Way #1. The Millionaire Method

  • Special Ninja Blueprint to the Millions (Stealthy, little-known, and effective) [12 mins]
  • This Secret got me paid fast ...(even with no experience) revealed at 36 Minutes
  • Instant Expert Status (the secret hack the insiders don't want me telling you) [57 mins, 34 seconds]

Way #2. How I Attract Hordes of Hungry Buyers and Make Money on Demand

  • These Twin Forces ethically MAKE people buy (even if they don't want to) [3 mins, 15 seconds]
  • Simple Secret that made me Millons Revealed (hint it is not what you expect) [12 mins, 49 seconds]
  • The dead Simple "No List" Free traffic source that makes me millions (got results mega FAST) [33 mins, 42 seconds]
  • This express "Encore" method got TWICE as many sales. (EASILY Doubled my sales) [91 mins, 7 secs]

Way #3. My Step-By-Step Blueprint to $10K per Month

  • Powerful Strategy that gives me the edge over the competition: EVERY. SINGLE. TIME (Has people begging to hand over buckets of moolah) [3 mins, 43 secs]
  • Where to find GOLDMINE Products to Promote (Including a Secret Source no one is talking about) [6 mins 7 secs]
  • Other Marketers are leaving cash on the table, This is how I put it in my wallet! (and laughing all the way to the bank) [15 mins 23 secs]
  • Secret Tool that spits out bonus pages (Without tech hassles or doing double the work) [38 mins 36 secs]

Way #4. The Multi-Billion Dollar Matrix Which Made Me Rich

  • "White board Willy" (and a SMALL group of secret insiders) knows where the money is [2 mins 56 secs]
  • Underground Niche where thousands of hungry buyers are popping up daily (and how I easily cash in with them) [7 Mins 15 secs]
  • Underground source of buyers desperate to hand over cash (and why they are SO willing to give their hard earned money) [11 mins]
  • The Crucial Ninja Hack that vendors don't know (and how I cashed in on it)[15 mins 37 secs]
  • Old school method that makes buyers give me more money simply because _____ (and it’s a 100% ethical) [34 mins 23 secs]
  • How I effortlessly get people to do sales for me [45 mins]
  • Maximize sales - Minimalize Effort (This hack made me millions) [57 mins 13 secs]

Way #5. Seven-Figure Sales Secrets EXPOSED

  • The One Trick, that no one else is doing, that gets me buyers BEGGING to get into my funnel over and over again (hint it's not what you think) [11mins 35 secs]
  • Battle Tested Tool which builds my money stream (no technical skill required) [32 mins]
  • The Secret Vault where all the money is made in Internet Marketing. (Worth the admission price ALONE!) [38 mins]
  • Little-Known Scarcity Tactics that Actually work (why they work and YES they are 100% ethical) [48 mins 29 secs]
  • Story Of How I Started An Internet Marketing Cult (No brain washing or KoolAid though) [109 mins 04 secs]
  • Ninja Secret Opportunity (and why this was the KEY to scaling my business, fast) [116 mins 02 secs]
  • The underground secret method that makes my offers irresistible (without people even feeling they're being sold to) [124 mins 24 secs]

Way #6. How I Get $100,000
and 4000 Buyers in 1 Week

  • This Secret Hack, few are using, that gets heavy hitters to give me money (with very little effort) [3 mins]
  • Special trick that bags me the most affiliates and cash (if I didn't get this one thing right, I would have failed) [4 mins 9 secs]
  • Super Secret Reveal only in this video (The most powerful lesson I could ever reveal.) [10 mins 1 secs]
  • How I Make Highly-Effective special money pages (it's super simple and generates tons of cash for me) [15 mins 33 secs]
  • The one WORD which makes me the most money (without any extra effort) [16 mins 57 secs]
  • How I Get Affiliates Promoting EVERYTHING I do with this hack... [18 mins]
  • Insider's tool that gets affiliates deseperate to "mail my shizzle" (no technical expertise needed) [23 mins]
  • How I get TOP Affiliates eagerly begging to promote me [42 mins]
  • The stealthy technique that gets The Big Dawgs, Top Guns and A-Listers to send me traffic (no pestering, DMing or mass-tagging required!) [56 mins 5 secs]

Way #7. Magic "Multiply My Money" Tricks

  • Next level strategies that increase my profits quickly (newbie friendly ideas) [54 secs]
  • Dead simple tactic that made me $3k in a single day (without launching anything or paying affiliates and only about an hour's worth of work.) [2 mins 50 secs]
  • How I write emails that people actually read (you will be amazed at how simple this really is.) [13 mins]
  • The secret I use to get more people to open and click my emails (this will likely surprise you because it is so simple; but it works) [41 mins 35 secs]
  • Doing this made me tons of extra cash while others are leaving it on the table. (It's one easy step, and hardly anyone knows about it) [53 mins 45 secs]
  • How I keep the cash "faucet" always turned on, by avoiding this BIG MISTAKE (do not miss this) [56 mins 20 secs]

"This Sounds Like B.S. To Me - How Do I Know This Works?"

You don't.

I mean, other than all the video testimonials above from people who paid $4000 to discover the same secrets you can now get for $9.95!

Oh, and the fact you are covered with a money-back guarantee if you think this is some hokey bunch of garbage (Hint: it's not).

And of course I can always throw in a bunch of my own personal earnings online and demonstrations of my lifestyle (which are my results, not yours, and definitely do not mean I am suggesting you can achieve the same results I have):

Cheesy pictures of Michael Cheney living "the high life" with all the millions he's made online (that is in NO way a promise or certainty that you will follow in his footsteps)

Over $5Million in sales in just ONE of Michael Cheney's accounts which the cynics out there will think is photoshopped but most definitely is not, and yet again, does not mean you will get results anything like this because most people would rather watch Netflix than build a business

Another $200,000 Michael Cheney has made in commissions online from another of his accounts (results A-typical because most people would rather watch Squid Game than learn how to become successful online entrepreneurs. This is not an income claim for you, it is an income FACT for Michael.

Well lookie here - this is over $600K in commissions Michael made promoting ONE offer. Not too shabby. This does not mean that you will make this, or even anything close. Heck - most people are too lazy to get out of bed in the morning. These results are A-typical because Michael is a weird guy. He knows what works but he works like a mo-fo (even though he has a few million in the bank and doesn't need to). He's doing this to leave a legacy for this kids. Not a financial one - he's already done that. But an ETHIC legacy - to show them that just because you "make it" you don't stop working, serving, and helping others. Wow this is getting to be a long caption huh?

"What Makes This Different To Other Programs?"

It works.


You want more than that? That's the best I got for you.

People paid $4000 in cold cash to learn these secrets from me LIVE.

You are getting these secrets for just $9.95!

If you're still on the fence then it's not my job to pluck the splinters out your ass.

It's your call now.

Either you walk away and stay stuck.

Or you step up and claim your success.

I'm here for you.

Plus, you also get...

Easy Learning For Fast Track to Success

You also get 7 Action Plans, one for every one of the 7 sessions.

These are simple to follow, step-by-step plans, which take you directly to online success.

You also receive the written Transcripts, and MP3 Audio recordings for easy learning.

People paid $4000 to learn these success secrets when I did these trainings live...

These 7 Success Secrets Are
The Most Valuable Thing You'll See in 2021

You can take these methods and implement them, fast.

Forget hype, fluff and BS.

This is the honest-to-goodness, same system I use to make millions of dollars in my business.

People paid $4000 to attend this event, for a REASON.

Because the methods revealed are worth countless times more.

What does this mean for you?

Finally - Being Successful Online Is A Question Of WHEN And Not IF (And The Answer Is A Lot Sooner Than You'd Think!)

No more struggling.

No more dead-ends.

No more rabbit holes.

No more failure.

Just a simple roadmap to success.

It could not be easier...

Don't Blame Me If You Get Your Big Breakthrough In Record Speed!

Your partner will finally be proud of you and stop complaining.

Imagine the look on your mother-in-law's face when she sees you finally achieving success online.

You're finally miximg it with the big guys.

You can finally prove all those doubters and naysayers wrong.

But don't just take my word for it...


And As If That Weren't Enough (Which Frankly, It IS:  But I Love To Over-Deliver) You Are Also Getting Your Paws On These 4 FREE BONUSES Too...


BONUS #1: $67K Campaign


I made $67k in a single day. Sure, some people take a year to do that, but money loves speed. But the cool part for you is you can see exactly how I did it in this campaign.


BONUS #2: 7 Muppetproof Methods for Non-Tech Newbies

Not technical? No problem. Want to online success without techy hassles? No worries. These 7 ways are completely newbie friendly.


BONUS #3: 5-Minute Newbie-Friendly Fast Start Guide


In a hurry? It doesn't replace the videos, but this guide will get you started right away. No delay on when you can start achieving success online. There is no simpler way to start your journey towards your desired outcome.


BONUS #4: The "Never Fall Off" Accountability System


Scared to be alone? Well this is your security blanket then. With this bonus you are never alone again on your Internet Marketing journey. We are here to help with our 5 star VIP Support. You are in safe hands and well looked after by our team.



Fast Track LIVE Masterclass (Zero Pitch)


You are getting an exclusive ticket for the must-attend, 'Fast Track LIVE Masterclass' where I will show you how I accelerate to the money online.

This is a ZERO PITCH, 100% pure training and implementation event.

You do not want to miss this call, it will BLOW YOUR MIND.


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

You have 30 days to try this out and start your journey to success with it right away.

I can hand on heart tell you right now – when you follow the simple steps you will have everything you need to be successful online.

Yes – even if you’re a brand spanking newbie, fresh off the applecart.

But if you’re the first person in the history of the known universe who this doesn’t work for just let me know and you’ll get your money back.

No questions asked.

The only way this will not work, is if you don’t buy it.

YES. Please Give Me Instant Acccess To 'Fast Track To 1 Million' - The Simple Fast Track To Making All The Money I Ever Need.

YES. Please Give Me Instant Access To The 7 Secrets Inside 'Fast Track To 1 Million' So I Can End My Internet Marketing Mistakes And Finally Achieve Success Online!

YES. Please give me immediate access to all seven secrets inside "Fast Track To 1 Million" for the ridonkuloulsy low, one-time investment of just $9.95!

YES. I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on this battle-tested, and proven method for online success

YES. I understand you're giving me everything I need, in a easy to copy and deploy, step-by-step format.

YES. I want immediate access to these groundbreaking strategies right away so I can start applying them today and finally achieve success online

YES. I understand I also receive 4 exclusive and powerful Bonuses, to help me get there even quicker

YES. I am excited to also be getting an exclusive ticket for the 'Fast Track LIVE Masterclass (Zero Pitch)' to accelerate my success

There is no risk whatsoever and I should grab The Fast Track To 1 Million RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of just $9.95

I have a FULL 30 Days Money Back Guarantee, and nobody is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.

Either you're in or you're out.

Frankly, at this price, you'll be one of thousands of people discovering these 7 secrets.

And that's great - because they will always be strong and powerful methods, no matter how many people are using them.

The question is - do YOU want to be one of the lucky people who gets access to all 7 secrets?

Now is your time.

By now - you know you want this.

So don't let $9.95 stand in the way of you and finally being able to achieve success online.

You're getting access in just a few seconds from now and trust me - you are going to love it.

Here's to you deciding TODAY is the day you finally BREAKTHROUGH online!

Michael Cheney

Michael Cheney

YES. Please Give Me Instant Acccess To 'Fast Track To 1 Million' - The Simple Fast Track To Making All The Money I Ever Need.

YES. Please Give Me Instant Access To The 7 Secrets Inside 'Fast Track To 1 Million' So I Can End My Internet Marketing Mistakes And Finally Achieve Success Online!

YES. Please give me immediate access to all seven secrets inside "Fast Track To 1 Million" for the ridonkuloulsy low, one-time investment of just $9.95!

YES. I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on this battle-tested, and proven method for online success

YES. I understand you're giving me everything I need, in a easy to copy and deploy, step-by-step format.

YES. I want immediate access to these groundbreaking strategies right away so I can start applying them today and finally achieve success online

YES. I understand I also receive 4 exclusive and powerful Bonuses, to help me get there even quicker

YES. I am excited to also be getting an exclusive ticket for the 'Fast Track LIVE Masterclass (Zero Pitch)' to accelerate my success

There is no risk whatsoever and I should grab The Fast Track To 1 Million RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of just $9.95

I have a FULL 30 Days Money Back Guarantee, and nobody is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.

  • q-iconI'm Not Technical, Will This Work for Me?

    Because I have made the training super simple, any newbie can follow my step by step guide.

  • q-iconI Hate Being in Front of Camera, Will This Still Make Money For Me?

    Yes. Because the method taught here can be done easily without ever putting your face on camera.

  • q-iconI'm Just a Newbie Without Any Results - Will This Still Get Me Results?

    Yes. Because you will be working with my battle tested, proven results.

  • q-iconI Don't Want to Spend a Lot of Time On This, Will It Still Make Me Sales?

    Yes. Because I have done the trial and error stuff so you can shortcut your way to success.

  • q-iconCan I Do This Without Buying Expensive Software of Paying Monthly Costs?

    Yes. Because the proven methods used do not require expensive softwares.

  • q-iconI don't want to buy expensive softwares, can I Make Money With This?

    Yes. There are no expensive software programs required to make this work. 

  • q-iconCan I Do These Even If I Am Short On Time?

    Yes. The course is 8 hours… and can make you life changing money.  and one of your bonuses is 5-Minute Newbie-Friendly Fast Start Guide

  • q-iconI Just Want To Get Results, And Not Do All The Work - Is This For Me?

    Yes. This is the best method if you are lazy and don’t want to work hard to get results fast.

  • q-iconI'm Not Cut Out For Internet Marketing - Is This Any Different?

    Yes. This is taught by me and (unlike some guys) I actually make money doing the things I am teaching you.

  • q-iconI Get Easily Distracted And Overwhelmed - Can You Guarantee I Will Succeed With This?

    Yes. Because the course is stream lined. No hours of fluff to sift through.

  • q-iconI've Wasted Thousands of Dollars and Thousands of Hours Online - This Isn't Another Members Area with 1001 Steps Is It?

    Yes. You will not need to take 1000 steps. There are 7 lessons. This stuff is battle tested, proven to work stuff I do daily to make millions online.

  • q-iconWhat Happens After This - Do You Help Me Get Results?

    Yes. Our support team is with you all the way. The Never Fall off accountability Bonus means you are never alone in this.

  • q-iconIf I Get Stuck Will Someone Be On Hand to Help Me?

    Yes. Our support team is with you all the way. The Never Fall off accountability Bonus means you are never alone in this.

  • q-iconI'm Just a Busy Guy / Gal Looking To Make Some Money Online - Is This Right For Me?

    Yes. This can be done working only a few hours a day and we have quick start guides (Action plans) available in the members area.

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